ALADIN (AnaLyse About development and INnovation): stimulation, evaluation and strategic management of innovation
ADN (Alliance of Dual Networks):alliances management methodology
DAM (Discounted Assets Minimum): investments choices
DANTE( Dynamic Appraisal of Network Technologies and Equipment)
DEESSE ( DElphi, in S, System of Energy): technological prospective and technological intelligence market oriented
DELPHI-DELTA: technological prospective and creativity stimulation
ELECTRE-ORESTE (Evaluation and Choices linking to the REality-ORientation Economic, Sociologic and Technique): out ranking methodology
IACA OR "JUST DO IT" ( Importance, Assurance, Capacity): cubic matrix of industrial policy
MAESTRIA ( MArketing and Evaluation of STRategy and InformAtion):creative marketing approach for a high tech services
PROFORM: strategic formulation using the support graph
PROEVA: multicriteria evaluation
PROPILOT: three levels coordination (strategic, tactic et operational)
PROPLAN: activities planning (PERT et GANTT)
PRORES: activities follow up and triangle resources
PRODEC: decisions follow up
PRORG: project team organization and "planetary" structures
PROCOM: interne et extern communication
PROREP: conception, realization and process control
PRORISK: identification, analysis and risk evaluation
PRODOC: documentation management
TB7: Seven phases of management control
THE THREE E (three eggs) (Effectiveness, Efficiency, Equivalence): innovation operations management
THE THREE ID (The three Ideas) Imagination Invention Innovation
VENTURE : the "tools box" of the business angel